First Day of the 2016-2017 School Year!

The 357th school year began at Hopkins on Tuesday, September 6, with an all-school assembly in the Walter Camp Athletic Center. Dr. Kai Bynum gave his first assembly address as Head of School, and welcomed all the new and returning students and faculty to an exciting year ahead. In his opening address, Dr. Bynum shared a saying his father taught him that has stuck with him over the years:

If a task has once begun, never leave it until it's done.
Be the labor great or small, do it right or not at all.

Dr. Bynum examined each line of the phrase and asked members of the community to think about the “tasks” they have or will begin this year. Following his remarks he selected three students at random (using tennis balls) to repeat the full phrase. Please see the attached video to watch Dr. Bynum’s address.

Assembly continued with announcements from Assistant Head of School John Roberts, Student Council President Phil Ross, Director of Athletics Rocco DeMaio, members of Student Productions and the Yearbook. The traditional ending to the first assembly of the year is a performance by a member of the senior class. Senior Talon Johnson delighted the community with his innovative performance of  “Julie-o” by Mark Summer on the cello. Please watch Talon’s performance in the attached video. 

Following assembly, students met with their adviser groups to receive their class schedules before setting out on their first day of classes. Here’s to a great year ahead!

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Hopkins is a private middle school and high school for grades 7-12. Located on a campus overlooking New Haven, CT, the School takes pride in its intellectually curious students as well as its dedicated faculty and staff.