Registration Form

The 2024 Summer School session has begun and is closed to further registrations. Please check back in January 2025 for Summer 2025 offerings.


Community Expectations

The Hopkins Summer School expects that members of the community will at all times:
·         treat others with respect and courtesy
·         act with honesty and integrity
·         treat property with care and respect
·         obey the laws of the city, state, and nation

Serious misconduct involves acts such as
·         serious breaches of community standards of language and behavior.
·         acts that may compromise or disrupt the School’s computer network.
·         disruption to class.
·         use of tobacco products.

Very serious misconduct involves acts such as
·         includes language and/or behavior that is racially, ethnically, or sexually offensive.
·         verbal or physical harassment of other students, teachers, or staff.
·         serious disrespect toward adults.
·         cheating or plagiarism.
·         violating network security or use of technology for illegal purposes.
·         criminal acts include, but are limited to:  theft, vandalism, assault, threats to public safety, possession of illegal drugs or explosives.

If necessary, the Director of the Summer School and a Hopkins Administrator will exercise discipline after consultation with those involved, and in accordance with the Hopkins School Handbook of regulations and rules of conduct.

Paying for the class or activity

The Hopkins School billing system is designed to receive only checks.  Put another way, we are unable to process or accept credit cards.  

To secure a spot for your child, all tuition payments must be paid in full before June 1.

Please make your check out to:  Hopkins School
In the memo space: put your child’s name and class

Send the check to:
Hopkins Summer School
986 Forest Rd
New Haven, CT  06515

It takes a while to process your check. If you have any questions, such as, did we receive the check, or did we cash it, please contact the Business Manager for the Summer School, Marc Paradis, 203.397.1001 x 219
Kevin Cronin
Director of Summer School

Frequently Asked Questions

List of 13 frequently asked questions.

  • Payments & Refunds

    All questions with respect to payment or refunds, please contact the business manager, Marc Paradis, 203.397.1001 x 219
  • Hopkins Tax ID Number

  • Food

    No meals are served during Summer School. However, lunch may be brought from home.
  • July 4th

    We will not have school on July 4th, a Thursday in 2024.
  • After class hours

    The Hopkins Summer School day ends at 1:30 pm. Please pick up your child at that time. Students may use the library to wait for their ride.
  • Textbooks

    We lend textbooks for Pre-algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, Precalculus, and Enriched Precalculus. Students are expected to return the textbook in good condition by the end of summer school. A $50 charge will be levied for any book not returned.
  • Financial aid

    Given to only Hopkins students based on a percentage of what they receive during the school year.
  • Transportation

    Hopkins Summer School does not provide transportation to or from the campus.

    For reasons of privacy, the Hopkins School cannot furnish personal information for carpooling.  
  • Attendance Policies

    Please email if your child is not coming to school.
    Hopkins students taking a class for credit (AC II, AC III, Geometry, Precalculus, and Enriched Precalculus) cannot miss more than three days.

    Hopkins Summer School Faculty takes attendance every day and reports absences to the Director.
  • Cell phones

    Off in class (silent mode) for both students and teachers.
  • Health

    A First Responder is on staff from 7:45 AM to 1:30 PM every day. Office is located on the second floor of Thompson Hall, room 219.
  • When is tuition due?

    All tuition payments must be paid in full by June 1.
  • Directions

    The GPS address for the Thompson Lot is 94 Knollwood Road.